Dr. Joakim Waldemark – Ph.D. in Applied Physics

Date of birth: June 28 1966
Children: Mattias (July 6 1991), Rasmus (Nov 28 1992), Melinda (July 7 1994)  and Emelie (April 22 1995)
Nationality: Swedish.

Visiting researcher (postdoc) during 1997 and 1998 at:
Dept. of Physics
Manne Siegbahn Laboratory
10405 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone +46-(0)8-16-1081
e-mail: joakim@waldemark.se

Ph.D degree 1996 at:
Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics
90187 Umeå, Sweden

I) My background and short summary of qualifications

I received my undergraduate M.Sc. degree in experimental and solid state physics in 1990.
I received my Ph.Lic in 1993 and Ph.D. in 1996. Both research degrees are in
applied physics but on different projects related to multivariate analysis, signal analysis
and AI applications.

I started to work as a lecturer and researcher after I received my Ph.D. in June 1996. I
worked full time as an instructor and Ph.D. candidate during the period 1990-08 to 1996-06.
First at the Dept. of Physics and then later at the Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics,
at Umeå University. I taught frequently during this time. I now have, all together, a total of
more than 2 years full-time teaching. I have experience in teaching both undergraduate and
graduate students as well as acting as a tutor and/or examiner for several M.Sc. diploma
students. I have also developed an entirely new course in Cognitive Signal Processing and
worked in course preparation and design. My primary interests are in electronics, control,
signal processing and artificial intelligence but I have also been involved in energy technology
courses as well as an invited lecturer in medical technology and radiology classes.

My Master Thesis attends different optical “non touching” LASER speckle methods for
surface displacements and displacement derivatives, e.g. surface strain. Several measurement
arrangements, such as single beam arrangements, speckle interferometer and speckle shearing
interferometer, was studied along with a number of analysis methods and techniques, for example,
Young’s fringe method, Fourier filtering and digital image processing systems.

My Ph.lic. thesis addresses the problem of multiple time series prediction of non (or semi)
stationary time series. I use Feedforward neural networks to improve prediction results
compared to linear regression models. The method is applied on predicting the heat load at
several district heating plants in Sweden. Several prediction models are developed and tested.
The models use both measured outdoor temperatures as well as prediction of future temperatures
as inputs. The output is either single step output (single output, one day or one hour) or a
combination of many different prediction times (multiple outputs).

My Ph.D. thesis focuses on possible solutions to a selection of problems related to satellite
measurements and data analysis using modern computer intelligence methods and non-linear
signal analysis. The main task was to develop methods that could automate different parts of
the data analysis. A further aim was to investigate methods on how instrument analysis and
re-calibration in orbit could be made where the only information available was the downloaded
measured data. I used serveral hybrid methods, e.g. traditional signal processing, cluster analysis,
neural networks and expert systems to solve the problems.

Post doc
I received a two year scholarship (post-doc) financed by the Swedish Research Council for
Engineering (VR) to continue my research at the Royal Institute of Technology (Manne Siegbahn Laboratory)
in Stockholm during 1997 and 1998. The research focus on non-linear methods, biologically inspired
neural nets and hardware implementations (mainly FPGA technology). I also spend a part of
my time on a multiple sensor data analysis project aiming for near real-time odor identification
together with Auburn University in Alabama and Lexington University in Kentucky USA. I mainly
concentrated on the data analysis and feature level signal processing of the multiple gas sensor
system. I also assisted in several minor projects during this time, for example, medicine, high-
energy particle physics, and data mining projects. I also continued to teach and supervise
diploma works and pure consulting tasks for various industry applications.
A short summaryof my current and previous research projects is found here, you may
also view my list of publications.

Work at Ericsson SAAB Avionics
I worked as a project manager together with one colleague at Ericsson SAAB Avionics at
Kista, Sweden, during 1998-99. Our responsibilities were the overall reconnaissance system
for the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft. This work did not only focus on the system itself it also
included pod design, pod supplier evaluation and installation descriptions for the pod. The same
work as for the pod was true for sensor evaluation and the computer controlled reconnaissance
management system. The initial phase in this project included many marketing meeting and
negotiations with both the Swedish Airforce and international sub-contractors. We also had
responsibility to cover the new technologies related to image and signal processing and advance
pattern recognition systems.

Work at Optronic Partner dp AB
My current employment is at Optronic partner dp AB in Skellefteå, Sweden. My responsibility
is first of all local management for the developing department in Skellefteå together with a colleague.
We have responsibilities for the economy, budget, results and our staff. I am also a project manager
and run product development projects for various customers (partners). Please read the link
research projects . Finally I am also involved with sales activities and manager of three key accounts.
I have also been a member of the management board for Optronic partner for more than 1.5 years.

I live in Skellefteå, a small town in north Sweden, togeather with the woman in my life, Karin.
My hobbies are outdoor activities, especially boats in the summer.
I practice a lot of sports such as gym and Judo.
Finally, most important are activities with my family and friends.

Sincerely yours
Joakim Waldemark

II) Summary of Academic Education

1985, June
Dragonskolan Gymnasium / Senior Engineering High School
Electrical Engineering program (3 year education)
City of Umeå

1990, August
Umeå University
M.Sc. Degree, in Measurement and Solid State Physics (4 year education)
Diploma work: Non Touching LASER Speckle Measuring of Surface
Displacements and Displacements Derivatives
City of Umeå

1993, February
Umeå University
Ph. Licentiate Degree, in Applied Physics
Thesis title: Neural Network Techniques in District Heating Applications.
– A nonlinear approach to estimating and forecasting multiple timeseries
City of Umeå

1996, June
Umeå University
Ph.D. Degree, in Applied Physics
Thesis title: Artificial Intelligence in Analysis of Multivariate Satellite Data
City of Umeå

III) Professional experience

Employments in chronological order

1982-10 — 1985 08
Saedéns Menswear store
City of Skellefteå
Deltidsarbete vid helger och skollov.
Part time work during weekends and winter / summer holidays

1985-09 — 1986-11 And 1988-04 — 08
MAX hamburger restaurant
City of Umeå & Skellefteå
Arbetat helger, nätter samt lov som restaurang biträde (även pass chef)
Working nights, weekends and holidays as hamburger cook

1987-06 –1987-12
OBS Furniture store
City of Umeå
Arbetat som försäljare på möbel avd. heltid sommarlov samt deltid helger
Working as a salesman at the furniture dept. Full time during the summer,
then weekends

1988-11 –1989-02
Securitas AB
City of Umeå
Arbetat som Väktare, endast natt patrullerande skift
Working as a Security guard , Night security watch, mobile unit only

1989-05 — 08
Umeå University Hospital
City of Umeå
Medicin teknisk Ingenjör på röntgenavdelning, (heltid sommarvikarie)
Maintenance engineer for X-ray equipment (full time as a vacation substitute )

1990-05 — 08
VOLVO AREO Corp. (formal Volvo Flygmotor)
City of Trollhättan
M.Sc Thesi work at VOLVO-AREO
Project at the LASER non-touching measurement group

1990-08 – 1993-12
Umeå University
Dept. of Physics
Employed as an instructor and Ph.D candidate (teaching activity » 20%)

1994-01- 1996-06
Umeå University
Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics
Employed as an instructor and Ph.D candidate (teaching activity 30%)

1996-07 (on leave of duty during my post-doc)
Umeå University
Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics
Employed as a lecturer and researcher (on assistant professor level)

1997 and 98
Post-doc at KTH in Stockholm
Dept. of Physics, (Instrumentation)
and part time visiting scientist at
Auburn Univ. Al. USA. EE Dept.
TFR project ”Image processing”
Full time research

1998-Nov – 1999-Oct
Ericsson SAAB Avionics, Kista Stockholm
Project manager, Display and Reconnaissance division.

1999-Oct – current possition
Optronic partner dp AB, Skellefteå
Local manager and Project manager at Optronic partner dp AB, Skellefteå

IV) Teaching activity and pedagogical experience

More than 2years of teaching undergraduate and graduate students,
plus supervision and examination for several M.Sc. diploma works, etc.

Completed a part time course in pedagogy at the Dept. of physics, UmU.

1996-07 – currently on leave of duty !
Full time lecturer and researcher, teaching mainly electronic,
control and cognitive signal analysis students at undergraduate
level as well as supervision and examination of M.Sc. diploma work.

1997-1998  I maintain contact with teaching by still give my course in
Cognitive Signal Analysis at Umeå University once every year.

V) Military Service

1988 I19/P5 Boden & MILO-ÖN
City of Boden, Sweden
security / personal security at MILO-ÖN and MBÖN. (10 months)

VI) Professional memberships

International Neural Network Society INNS, # 6538
European Neural Network Society ENNS,
Swedish Neural Network Society SNNS,
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. IEEE #03906914
The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE # 00548672

VII) Languages

Swedish, English fluently
Spanish with some difficulty
German, maybe but it was a long time ago

Joakim Waldemark – joakim@waldemark.se